Financial Calculator Shortcode


Using the financial calculators shortcode is as simple as adding the shortcode inside a pair of square brackets to your post. At its most basic, that looks like this:


The shortcode can be added to your post in either the Visual or Text edit mode.

Calculator Types

By default, the shortcode will display all six calculator types, each on their own tab in the title bar. By adding the ‘type’ parameter to the shortcode, one or more calculator types may be specified. When specifying multiple types, separate each with a comma.


The six available calculator types are listed below. Types names are case-sensitive (all lowercase):

  • affordability
  • budget
  • early-payoff
  • fuel-savings
  • monthly-payment
  • refinance

The second example above specifying two calculator types generates the following result:

By the Numbers

Need a little help with your monthly budget? Fill in the boxes below to see just how much you are spending.


Monthly expenses


Please check the numbers

Your desired monthly payment is


How Much Car Can I Afford?

Great question. Fill in the boxes below to help with the answer and determine what price you can afford to pay for a car.


Please check the numbers

You may be able to afford an amount financed up to


*APR is the Annual Percentage Rate or the cost of credit at a yearly rate.

**Not including taxes and fees.

The referenced calculator is meant for educational and illustrative purposes only. The calculator estimates amounts solely based on the information you provide. We do not guarantee the availability of the illustrated terms or your eligibility for any product referenced. The estimated amounts generated from the calculator do not constitute a finance offer.

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