Dealer Contact Information

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Call: (888) 222-4227


Call: (800) 877-4696
Fax: (800) 215-7221


Call: (866) 552-2528

Dealer Advocacy

Call: (866) 557-8428

Can’t find what you need?


Regular Mailing

Pay-off checks and customer payments

Santander Consumer USA
P.O. Box 660633
Dallas, TX 75266-0633

Backend Products and Lien Holder

Santander Consumer USA
P.O. Box 961288
Fort Worth, TX 76161

FedEx Overnight Mail and Contract Packages

Santander Consumer USA
eDocs Program, Suite 2049
4054 Willow Lake Blvd
Memphis, TN 38153

UPS and Regular USPS and Contract Packages

Santander Consumer USA
Suite 2049
4054 Willow Lake Blvd
Memphis, TN 38118

Overnight Mailing

Pay-off checks and customer payments

Santander Consumer USA
3000 Kellway Drive, Suite 120
Carrollton, TX 75006

First Payment

Payments before a deal is funded

Santander Consumer USA
1601 Elm Street, Suite 800
Dallas, TX 75201

Dealer Statement Payments

For Ancillary Product Refunds, Missing Equipment, Unwinds, and Participation Chargebacks

Santander Consumer USA
1601 Elm Street, Suite 800
Dallas, TX 75201