How to prevent identity theft

According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft cases reported in the U.S. more than doubled from 2019 to 2020. Proving the point that ID theft is very much on the rise, and it’s now more important than ever to keep a close eye on your personal information and finances.

If you see warning signs such as charges on your bank statement that you didn’t make, calls from debt collectors on accounts you didn’t create, and unfamiliar charges on your credit report, you may have been the target of identity thieves.

The rise in identity theft concerns is the reason we created our latest video, “How to prevent identity theft.”

The short, animated clip is designed to help educate consumers on ways they can protect themselves from identity thieves and make sure they are being cautious with their personal information.

To provide consumers helpful knowledge regarding their finances, we continue adding engaging videos to our video gallery in the Learning Center.

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What is a simple interest contract in auto financing?
Why your credit score is important when financing a vehicle
How to set up a monthly budget to finance a new vehicle
Buying versus leasing when shopping for your next vehicle

Check back to the Learning Center often as additional videos and helpful content are added on a regular basis.

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TRANSCRIPT: How to prevent identity theft

You may be a target.

Bad people could be seeking to steal your identity.

Once identity thieves have your personal information, they can drain your bank account, run up charges on your credit cards, buy a car and cause a lot of other financial damage in your name.

It could cost you a lot of time and money to undo the damage identity thieves can do in a very short time.

Of course, Santander Consumer USA doesn’t want that to happen to anyone – especially our customers. Here’s how to protect yourself against identity theft.

FIRST, don’t think, “It can’t happen to me,” because it can.

NEXT, do not share personal or financial information with someone you can’t verify as legitimate.

AND don’t assume identity thieves are strangers … Many cases of identity theft – especially among the elderly and other vulnerable populations – involve family members, caregivers or other people known to the victim.

Use strong computer usernames and passwords and change them often … Do not share your passwords or credentials with anyone.

Use multi-factor authentication wherever available … because it provides a second layer of security protection.

Always be suspicious of unexpected emails, links and attachments, text messages, websites and social media messages … Phishing for your personal information is one of the most prevalent risks to the average consumer.

Check your credit card accounts and bank statements regularly, looking for unusual activity. Finally, watch your credit report for mistakes and unfamiliar accounts.

You can get one free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each of the three major credit reporting companies.

Santander Consumer goes to great lengths to ensure our website and your account information are secure. We want to help you protect your identity.

The more vigilant we all are the safer you will be!

For more videos and smart financial tips, visit our Learning Center at

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