There are a lot of new white vehicles on the floor at the DFW Auto Show in Dallas – as well as essential blacks, grays, silvers, reds and blues.
And those cars, trucks and SUVs undoubtedly will get a lot of attention, which is not surprising considering that they are the Big 6 color choices among American car-buyers.

But they aren’t the bold, dare we say brave, choices by the automakers that occasionally shine through.
Walking the auto show exhibition hall at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, visitors are treated to pops of amazing colors amid the more standard (albeit shiny) automotive fare.
Call it eye candy, but you can be certain that most of these vehicles will get their fair share of attention, although for different reasons certainly.
Here is some of what we found:

The not-so-subtle greens of the Dodge Challenger and Ford Fiesta.

The blazing yellows of the Porsche Cayman, BMW M3 sedan and Honda Fit.

The ripe oranges of the Jeep Renegade and McLaren 650S MSO.

The cherry reds of the Audi RS 5 and Honda Civic SI.

Then there is the “concours blue” of the Aston Martin Rapide S, with blue haze and crème truffle leather interior, that can top 200 mph and well-equipped costs nearly a quarter-million dollars.

Let’s not forget the more-or-less Fuchsia Mitsubishi Mirage.
Whatever your color preference, surely you would admit it’s fun to go to the auto show at least in part to see beyond the everyday and into the world of dazzling color you might not consider otherwise.
Then, if you keep your eyes open, you just might see the traffic around you in a whole different way.